Hasbach, P.H. (2022). Grounded: A Guided Journal to Help You Reconnect with the Power of Nature – and Yourself. Adams Media (a division of Simon & Schuster).
Kahn, P.H., Jr., & Hasbach, P. H. (2013). (Eds.). The Rediscovery of the Wild. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Kahn, P. H., Jr., & Hasbach, P. H. (2012). (Eds.). Ecopsychology: Science, Totems, and the Technological Species. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. This book was nominated for the 2014 Grawemeyer Award in Psychology.
Kahn, P. H., Jr. & Hasbach, P. H. (2011). Rewilding Natural History Journal of Natural History Education and Experiences, 5, 6-7.
Peer-Reviewed Proceedings and Abstracts
Kahn, P. and Hasbach, P., 2009-10-05 “The Rewilding of the Child: Toward a Research Agenda.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the North American Association for Environmental Education, Portland, OR Online<PDF>.2011-04-20 from http://www.allacademic.com/meta/p374551_index.hml
Hasbach, P. H., (2009). Ecotherapy: New Territory for Therapeutic Professionals. Proceedings of the International Conference on Ecology and Professional Helping – Building Bridges, Crossing Boundaries. Calgary, Alberta, Canada: University of Calgary.
Chapters in Edited Volumes
Hasbach, P. H. (2016). Prescribing Nature: Techniques, Challenges, and Ethical Considerations. In M. Jordan & J. Hinds (Eds.), Ecotherapy: Theory, Research, and Practice. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan
Kahn, P. H., Jr. & Hasbach, P. H. (2013). The Rewilding of the Human Species. In P.H. Kahn, Jr. & P. H. Hasbach (Eds.), The Rediscovery of the Wild. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Kahn, P. H., Jr. & Hasbach, P. H. (2013). Introduction. In P.H. Kahn, Jr. & P. H. Hasbach (Eds.), The Rediscovery of the Wild. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Hasbach, P. H. (2012). Ecotherapy. In P. H. Kahn, Jr. & P. H. Hasbach (Eds.), Ecopsychology: Science, Totems, and the Technological Species. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Kahn, P. H., Jr. & Hasbach, P. H. (2012). Introduction to Ecopsychology: Science, Totems, and the Technological Species. In P. H. Kahn, Jr. & P.H. Hasbach (Eds.), Ecopsychology: Science, Totems, and the Technological Species. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Kahn, P. H., Jr., Ruckert, J. H., & Hasbach, P. H. (2012). A Nature Language. In P. H. Kahn, Jr. & P. H. Hasbach (Eds.), Ecopsychology: Science, Totems, and the Technological Species. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Hasbach, P.H. (2014). Rewilding for Human Flourishing. The Counselor, a publication of the Oregon Counselors Association, Winter 2014.
Hasbach, P. H. (2013). Integrating Psyche and Landscape: The Emerging Field of Ecopsychology. The Counselor, a publication of the Oregon Counselors Association, Spring 2013.
Hasbach, P. H. (2012). Nature on Demand?The Children & Nature Network.